
Laura joins Vibrant Penguin as the Head of Production after working as an independent producer of films, episodic, and branded content. In the narrative space her projects include the feature film Kept Boy, distributed by Breaking Glass, and All Sorts which is currently on the festival circuit. In episodic television she produced for the live show, The Sushi Dragon Show Starring TheSushiDragon on VENN TV, and post produced for the Facebook Watch Original Rival Speak, which filmed on an XR stage, merging post with production. Her documentary work includes the PBS American Masters film Rita Moreno: Just A Girl Who Decided To Go For It, which received theatrical distribution from Roadside Attractions after premiering at Sundance. She also produced the award-winning short documentary Status Pending which premiered at Big Sky Film Festival in 2020 and screened as part of NBC’s Meet The Press Showcase at AFI and was picked up for international broadcast as part of the Aljazeera Witness series. She hails from the cheese state and can tell you all the movies that her hometown, Chippewa Falls, has been referenced in.

Their work